The shapewear dresses have become essential pieces in women’s wardrobes, as they offer comfort and shape for different body styles. You can create a built in shapewear clothing look to highlight your curves naturally on many occasions.
They are perfect for everyday use, but they also adapt very well to more formal occasions, parties and events in general. Check out a special selection now with the best shapewear ideas that you can include in your routine.

The perfect dress for every occasion
There is a dress that adapts perfectly to all body types, occasions and personal tastes. The midi dress can be considered a classic, which is why it becomes a must-have in a women’s wardrobe. It’s that type of clothing that saves you when you’re unsure about what to wear. It can be used for a more elegant and professional event, but also for fun leisure occasions. Therefore, it becomes an extremely easy option to style. You get a slimmer waist with the built-in shapewear, and the invisible zipper in the back is subtle and makes it easy to wear.

Easy adjustment for all body types
Dresses with adjustable straps are perfect because they allow any woman to configure her clothes according to her body shape. Therefore, you can create the best shape with support, safety and comfort. In this format, there are many versions ranging from long slip dresses to mini dresses.
Maxi dress with soft modal
You achieve the harmony of all your curves through a shapewear maxi dress that allows you to create the hourglass waist of your dreams. Furthermore, it can be perfect for a trip to the amusement park or to enjoy a family weekend. The modal fabric is soft, breathable and very pleasant when in contact with the body.
Basic and casual dress
A basic dress is perfect for everyday occasions, like shopping or taking the dog for a walk. You can choose a mini version with thin straps, wide straps or a higher neck and sleeveless. The smooth fabric goes with lots of layers and the built-in shaper leaves no marks. By compressing the belly area, it makes you even slimmer in a completely comfortable way. It pairs perfectly with white sneakers to create a more relaxed look.

Training dress with modern design
They can also be part of your physical exercise routine and make your training easier. The crossed straps on the back give it a modern feminine look. Furthermore, the elastic fabric helps adjust the tummy and leg area. The inner shorts provide more security when exercising and have internal pockets that can be practical for storing your cell phone, for example.
Dress for a festive and glamorous look
It is possible to create sophistication with the maxi version of a shapewear dress made from shiny fabric that resembles satin for going to a cocktail party. Or maybe try a mini dress with metallic fabric to go to a dance party with your friends. There are several options and they all flatter your shape through the modeling mesh. The built-in bra in the breast area is perfect, as is the groin area, made of cotton fabric and with an opening that makes going to the bathroom easier.
Pakai shapewear tuh emang kelihatannya bikin kita seksi gitu kan ya. Cuma aku bakalan malu banget makenya. Palingan aku cuma berani make kalau di dalam kamar doang. Hehehehe
Kalau punya badan yang agak berisi memang kudu milih shapewear yang cocok sih. Soalnya gak semua shape wear itu enak dipakai. kadang bikin begah. Tapi kalau ini the best shape wear yak
Dulu mikirnya shapwear itu cocoknya untuk ke pesta – pesta. Ternya untuk casul outfit juga masih cocok
Shapewear telah menjadi sahabat bagi banyak wanita untuk tampil lebih percaya diri dengan bentuk tubuh yang ideal. Paduan shapewear dan gaun yang tepat dapat membantumu menonjolkan keindahan dan kenyamanan dalam berbagai situasi.
Shapewear ini memang paling perhatian dengan penampilan perempuan ya. Sebelumnya saya tahu pakaian dalam Shapewear. Sekarang sudah ada gaunnya juga yang menunjang peampilan sehari-hari para perempuan.
Aku suka yang warna hitam. Kesannya lebih elegan dan cantik. Modelnya juga bagus banget. Apalagi kalo punya badan yang ideal gitu, jadi pas.
Love this kind of dress. Unfortunately it’s not fit with my body shape. So, better I recommend this to my niece.
I really like adjustable body shapewear models like this. Make a wish list first, while looking at the products on the website, buy later, hehe..
Kalo outfitnya punya ada kantong di bagian dalam bikin asik deh. Apalagi ini shapewear jadi membuat nyaman semisal taro ponsel
best dress, best outfit, i just love how to describe the dress
Dress model begini adalah motivasi untuk menurunkan berat badan. Bukan buat kururs tapi supaya lebih ideal dan sehat. Bonusnya, lebih leluasa memilih model baju.
Wah lucu-lucu dress nya. Aku naksir dress basic warna biru. Casual banget dengan sneaker warna putih. Cocok buat jalan-jalan atau sehari-hari santai bersama keluarga. Di rumah juga cocok yaa bareng suami, hihi.
Buat dipakai di dalam sebagai lapisan,bagus sekali ya ini dress nya. Baik bahan maupun warnanya, semua bisa disesuaikan dengan postur si pemakainya. Keren banget emang shapewear ini
Shape dress ini cocok buat inner dress nih kalo buat yang berhijab sepertiku. Nanti tinggal dimix and match lagi sama atasan
Pakaian yang lembut, menyerap keringat dan nyaman di badan, pastinya akan mendukung semua kegiatan menjadi lebih leluasa.
Kalau ada gaun langsung shapwear gini, mantap nih. Bisa langsung pas dan membentuk tubuh. Bahkan ada ukuran yg all size-nya gitu.
Ngerasain penting sih pake shapewear setelah jd ibu hihi.. menopang bagian-bagian yg udh kesana kemari
Desainnya modis dan kece semuanya nih. Cakep2 semuanya, jd pengin punya juga. Meski cuma dipakai kalau pas lg berdua ama suami doang hehehehe
Klo dress model-model gini cocoknya dipake sama orang-orang yang punya badan ramping ya. Klo badan kaya aku mah,, bisa ngakak malah nanti suamiku.
Bodi kita berasa jadi ideal banget ya kak pake shapewear ini. Tinggal sesuaikan saja pake outfit yang mana mau pake shapewear ini.
Mau yg utk olahraga, casual/formil. Elegan banget semua model dan bahannya.
Model dress sekarang semakin beragam sekali ya, Kak. Jadi makin mudah buat pilih yang sesuai dengan kegiatan kita
Shapewear jadi solusi untuk tampil gorgeous di acara-acara penting karena bantu banget untuk membentuk tubuh. Tapi penting sih untuk mengenali dulu bentuk tubuhnya seperti apa, agar shapewear-nya juga pas.
Pilihan yang cocok buat cewek cewek nih bisa pilih model baju sesuai kebutuhan
seger banget dress yang warna lemon. Memgingatkanku akan keinginan memiliki gamis warna serupa yang belum keturutan hehehe
baju shapewear gini bisa membentuk body goal ya mba? mungkin tetap kudu olahraga ya dikit-dikit