How Can I Help You?


In outline, this blog divided into few categories:

– Being a Mom (story of being a mom)

– Traveling (story of my traveling journey)

– Self Explore (humanist and social phenomenon story of personal or on going interest)

– Motsach (cozy, independent book store recommendation that I’ve ever visited worldwide)

– Kerja di Televisi (behind the scene story of becoming a TV journalist)

But, I am open to any collaboration opportunities, not exclusive to the following categories. With more than 16.000 pageviews every month, these are some of partnership that I have done before:

1. Advertorial Post based on client request here.

2. Event or Trip Review

3. Social Media Posts

(twitter, instagram, or facebook)

  • Indosat
  • Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism 2017
  • BearBrand
  • HSBC

Have collaboration in mind? Let’s do it! Contact me to brainstorm ideas to:

Thank you! 

Best Regards,

Diaz Bela Yustisia