Movies That Makes You Wanna Leave Your Comfort Zone

Written by Diaz Bela

Seorang ibu milenial, ex-News TV Reporter, dan digital enthusiast. Saya menulis tentang hal-hal yang saya sukai: pengalaman, opini, traveling, kuliner, dan lain-lain.

8 Agustus 2017

Sometimes life could be so surprising. Decisions we make, step we take, something we’re fighting for.. those are blending in the confusing mind of mine. Losing opportunities, losing something (or someone) in that process is frightening me up. It’s like the dark-scary-monster that once your parent talked to you about. Some people may took their loosing as the normal part of their life, but some other against it by spilling the ugly truth: the sadness.

Deep down, the sadness could transform to our dark secret. Secret that we want to wash away.Through these movies, I found that have a secret is good, but to share it with friends or other medium is better. I’ve got chill after watching these movies. It’s like, where have you been all this time? The emotion beautifully managed by the director. And it makes me want to leave my comfort zone. And here are the list:

1. Into the Wild

This movie based on a true story of Christopher McCandless, an American traveler. This movie is also an adaptation from 1996’s book with the same title, Into the Wild, by Jon Krakaruer. Christoper travel across North America and spent his life in Alaska on 1990s. Self discover is the main idea of the adventure.

Why I wanna leave my comfort zone after watching this movie?
Somehow I amaze of Christopher point of view about life, despite of his carelessness. But still, live the life freely and peace.

2. Wild

Back in 2005, I enjoyed watching Legally Blonde. I assume Reese Witherspoon, as a funny actress and no, in a million years, that she will fit for another character other than the funny-girly one. But, I am wrong. In 2014 I watched Witherspoon’s instagram page and saw the gif of her backpack set that she use in this movie. And I directly search all the things about this Wild movie, out of my curiosity. I watched it and fell in love directly after the second I finish the movie.

The story is based on Cheryl Strayed’s 2012 memoir, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. And yes it’s about her journey to Pacific Crest Trail, ALONE, after her mother died and her divorce. That tragedy and the journey affect her perspective about everything: the value of family, relationship, love, and life. It leads her into new perspective and slowly heal her fear about life itself.

What I love the most in this movie, except the cinematic scene, is how Witherspoon deliver the emotion to the viewers. I can’t find perfect word to tell you, but the energy and the emotion made me burst into tears.

Another trivia, Witherspoon is also the producer in this movie. After she read the book, she contacted Strayed and tell her she wanted to make a movie about it. She is so amazing! If you happen to scrolling down her instagram page, you can see that she is also a bookworm!

Cheryl Strayed

3. The “Before” Trilogy

Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunset (2004)
Before Midnight (2013)

I watched Before Sunrise back in collage, which is so late, but that’s ok. I amaze how this poetic movie  (yes, let me have my own describing-word for this trilogy) like a dream comes true. It’s not like princess-kind-of-movie but the connection between the actor and actress are incredible. To find a perfect partner just in a click and have so much things in common is so dreamy for me. Like, although all of this movie just focus about chit-chatting between Jesse and Celine, but this works in every single movie!

So, what is in the movie that wanna make you leave your comfort zone? Well, the movie take places in Vienna, France, and Greece respectively. Do you see what I see?

In addition, the conversation between the two main actors are incredible. They talked anything. Literally anything. This is perfect for you who loves to capture some quotes in pinterest or goodreads, you can find a lot in these movies (:p). Have you ever fall in love with someone’s conversations? Do you know what is like? It’s good if you never have that feeling cause after watching this trilogy I bet you will.

Which one is your favorite?



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7 years ago

saya lebih suka movie genre romance sih mba, tapi makasih ya rekomendasi filmnya boleh juga untuk selingan ^^

Salam kenal ya, saya enny yang komen di grup fb KEB untuk saling bw ^^

Diaz Bela
Diaz Bela
7 years ago

Salam kenal juga.. Terima kasih sudah mampir 🙂

8 months ago

I think I want to watch “The Wild” movie. Witherspoon looks tough and youthful also. I can’t imagine walking into the forest carrying a backpack that heavy.

8 months ago

Belum ada yang aku tonton nih filmnya. Dari list di atas tertarik mau nonton in to the wild

8 months ago

Sadly, I do not watch the movies yet. Where can I watch them? Legally.

Watching movie can relax our mind and add new perspective of life.

Hendra Suhendra
Hendra Suhendra
8 months ago

Ketiganya belum pernah nonton nih. Tapi Into The Wild ini kayaknya yang paling populer menurut saya. Sampe sekarang masih penasaran sih, tapi belum kesampaian nonton film yang satu ini. Very nice article !!

Nurul Mutiara R.A
Nurul Mutiara R.A
8 months ago

Sama nih, aku juga belum pernah nonton ketiga film tersebut. Tapi penasaran juga sama ceritanya. Secara, lagi nyari film2 yang punya gebrakan utk membangunkan diri

Yuni Bint Saniro
Yuni Bint Saniro
8 months ago

sometimes, we need to leave our comfort zone. To find something better for our life.

Bambang Irwanto
Bambang Irwanto
8 months ago

Bagus semua nih filmnya. dan saya belum pernah nonton semuanya hehehe. Tapi dari ektiga judul di atas, saya pengin nonton the Before trilogy. Jarang sekali film yang trilogi seperti ini. menikmati perjalanan sebelum pagi, sebelum sore, dan sebelum malam.

Alfida Husna
Alfida Husna
8 months ago

Wah iya kemana aja aku juga baru tahu daftar film-film sebagus ini. Aku penasaran pengen nonton wild, kayanya seru banget ya kak.

Tukang Jalan Jajan
Tukang Jalan Jajan
8 months ago

This is exactly what I needed! I’ve been feeling stuck in a rut lately, and these movie recommendations are the perfect inspiration to shake things up. I can’t wait to check them out and hopefully gain the courage to try something new myself

Filza Halwa
Filza Halwa
8 months ago

Wah, saya belum pernah nonton ketiganya. Tapi yang Into The Wild kayaknya seru tuh. Siapa tau bisa sambil merasakan gimana tinggal di Alaska di tahun tersebut, hehe.

Fenni Bungsu
Fenni Bungsu
8 months ago

Belum ada yang daku tonton kak.
Namun, ada yang seru nih buat disimak yang Wild, kayaknya penuh petualangan

Putu Felisia
Putu Felisia
8 months ago

Saya udah lama nggak nonton film barat nih. Plus yang di dalam list semua not a cup of my tea gitu.

8 months ago

ini filmnya udah jadul semua, tapi masih menarik untuk ditonton. aktrisnya cantik2 dan ganteng ya.

Wiwin Pratiwanggini
Wiwin Pratiwanggini
8 months ago

Begitulah. Seringkali movie memberi kita inspirasi untuk melakukan sesuatu. Setidaknya ada pelajaran yang bisa dipetik.

8 months ago

Wah bisa jadi rekomendasi list tontonan saat akhir pekan
Nanti coba aku tonton ah beberapa film ini

Anggita R. K. Wardani
Anggita R. K. Wardani
8 months ago

Dari semua list belum pernah nonton semua sih. Cuma suka aja kalo genre nya apa ya membuat kita termotivasi untuk mencoba keluar dari zona nyaman

8 months ago

Nice movie recommendation bout leave our comfort zone. Sometimes i wanna live alone. But sometime i wanna live together with someone else.

I was afraid being leave my comfort zone. Coz many people in my home is on my bills.

But someday, i will leaving my comfort zone to reach out my dreams.

8 months ago

I have watched all the movies, Kak Diaz, and it’s all good for encouraging our spirit and looking for many exerience

Luluk Sobari
Luluk Sobari
8 months ago

Keren ya yang film Before Sunrise sampai Before Midnight. Pemerannya tetap sama, merupakan sekuel, dan jarak produksinya juga lama. Jadi kayak kayak ada kesesuaian gitu dengan waktu yang terjadi di dunia nyata.

Yonal Regen
Yonal Regen
8 months ago

Belum familiar sama judul-judul filmnya, tapi ini bisa jadi referensi baru buat masuk list must watch, biar sekali-kali nonton genre film beda dari biasanya

akarui cha
akarui cha
8 months ago

Where i can watch all of this movie legally? A story about Sheryl Strayed look so interest. Sepertinya, ada banyak poin yang bisa di catch up kalau menonton film Wild nih.

Dyah Kusuma
Dyah Kusuma
8 months ago

Menarik ya petualangan keluar dari zona nyaman yang diceritakan dalam film tersebut, menginspirasi sekaligus menguji nyali ya

8 months ago

Aku tertarik nonton Before Midnight mba, kayanya seru dan romantis. Film ini bisa ditonton dimana ya

8 months ago

Someone said, life begins at the end of your comfort zone, and sometimes some movies could give the motivation.

8 months ago

Sempet liat review In to the wild. Padahal udah pasti dijamin kehidupannya sama ortunya yg kaya. Etapi malah milih tinggal di hutan. Walo akhirnya doi sadar, kalo kehidupan sama orang² tersayanglah yg jauh lebih penting. Huhu, kasian waktu ditemuin di mobil itu dalam keadaan yg mengerikan.

Eka Fitriani Larasati
Eka Fitriani Larasati
8 months ago

fil, film diatas aku udah nonton semua dan sangat berkesan. mana yang paling paporit? ehhhhm into the wild sih, apalagi ost nya kang mas eddie vedder paporit aku, hiihihi

8 months ago

Whoaaa langsung takjub sama rekomendasi film yang tentang keluar dari zona nyamannya. Aku penasaran banget sama yang The Before Troilogy. Mana tahun lahir filmnya juga gak berdekatan pula.

Irra Octaviany
Irra Octaviany
8 months ago

Ini filmnya watch list aku semua nih. Lagi nyari layanan streaming legal yang menyediakan film-film ini. Aku tertarik banget pengen nonton Before trilogy itu karena katanya filmnya sebagus itu.